Innovative brand name for an innovative consultant

Wedstrijd gegevens:
Pakket brons

  • Wedstrijd van: Jean Vercruysse
  • Categorie: Bedrijfsnaam
  • Totaal budget: € 99.00
  • Datum start : 26-10-2012 16:23
  • Datum einde : 09-11-2012 15:47
  • Status : Beëindigd
  • Relevante bestanden: Geen
  • Beschikbare talen:
  • Aantal inzendingen: 125
  • Respons opdrachtgever:
    laag hoog


Jean Vercruysse needs an innovative brand name for his consultancy firm (no employees) in the electricity sector. He has a clear vision on the smart electricity grid of the future, where new technologies, efficient processes and renewable energy lower the costs and improve the profitability of electricity producers, transporters and distributors.

Some keywords for his offer (but this should not be limiting):

lean, smart, efficient, efficiency, electricity, stream

The brand name can, but doesn't need to incorporate these or similar words. It can also be a completely fictious name that sounds dynamical and innovative.

Key elements: it should be available as a .be, .nl, .fr, .com and .eu domain name and not be taken as a brand (already in use) in Belgium (Search for Belgian brand names here:


Jean is a consultant who helps electricity grid stakeholders (electricity producers, transporter and distributors)

To optimize their operational processes in order to be more efficient
To integrate new technologies and vision in order to improve the way they work.

In short, he helps them to develop the 'smart electricity grid' of the future, which will be easier to control and thus will improve the profitability of producers, transporters and distributors.

To do this, Jean combines 2 expertises:

He's a business process optimizer: he helps companies to optimize their processes and to become more efficient, with less costs and thus better profits.
He's an expert in the electricity value chain (producers, transporters and distributors).

Important: Renewable energy sources (wind and solar energy) will play a very important role in this smart grid of the future and is a major challenge right now!


There are 3 types of clients, all in the electricity value chain:

Producers: companies that produce electricity with renewable energy, fossil fuel (oil, coal,...) power stations, nuclear power centrals, etc.
Transporters: companies that power the high-tension grid, usually monopolists
Distributors: companies that power the low-tension grid, usually a bit smaller

These are all major companies having specific challenges and opportunities. Jean helps everyone of them towards a better, smarter, more profitable electricity grid where renewable energy plays an important role.

Kleuren, favoriete logo's, must haves

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